Monday, 12 March 2007

Sometimes its hard to be a man!!

Is this what all men want these days?? A good Wife or at least a GF that knows her place???

Last week I thought about this and I decided Im with the men folk... Maybe us gurls should be more like this all domestic goddess,speak when spoken to all that palava..
Now I am for womens rights n all that.. ohhhh my grannys granny burning her bra just so I could get the vote.... yes well ive voted twice so far.. but sometimes I do feel for the guys.
They have to put up with us moaning about nearly everything...and the crying well fuck me I feel for the buggers!
It was crying that got me thinking of this topic..

There was a girl who was crying and crying and crying!!! and her husband oh my gosh!! How I felt for him.. I mean she was in the wrong but she kept going on that she was in the right!!
I mean he knew she was wrong but yet he had to do the BF thing and console and I just thought Fuck That !!! What a whinger she was!!!
Then I thought the poor blokes with us gurls constant moaning every month cause we have our things, cause some gurl was wearing something awful, or some person was cheeky, or cause that arsehole in the shop kept the change...

Soooo I feel for you guys I really do.. next time I think I will keep my mouth shut!!!

Why they put up with it I really dont know its not as if all of them get a BJ, get there dinner made,get to watch the footie or go out with there mates!! They are dedicated I will say that.
However Im not saying men are Gods!! sometimes guys take things the wrong way and think we are having a moan when we aint... sometimes we wish they would listen...

So guys for your wifes,gfs play things I give you

and for the girls I give you

Guaranteed to listen!!