So it was time to invite our guests to The Party...
Thank you for replying to my ad and thank you very much for the picture !!! I got an instant smile on my face and went a little red … heheheheheh..
I would definitely like for you to meet up for the party… Im planning on meeting everyone informally in a pub in town before we get straight to business on Friday
This is only so I can feel a bit more comfortable about who I bring home.
Are you available on Wednesday around 6.00 pm onwards ? we could meet in #### on ####### Street. Bring that days Metro paper for identity so I can pick you out from the crowd.
Obv The Party wasnt happening.. We just wanted to see who would turn up...
So that night Me,Marty,Harry met up with Arthur and C.. outside the pub and went down... Straight away we saw someone sitting their with a metro in hand, the words metro facing us!! I panicked,went to the bar got some drinks and sat down....
Arthur started saying he was gonna go over and ask the guy for his Metro and I was like omgzz nooo dont, just leave it, just sit and wait see who else comes in... anyway, he started to get a lil carried away and i started freaking.... Eventually he went and said do you want this paper, the guy got up and went to the bog...
He came back sat back down and then seemed a little agitated (cant spell) Got up and said to us. yes us !!! Do you want this paper! I was meant to meet some dicks at 6pm and they havent showed up!!
I paniked and was like omgzz this guy is gonna go mental if he knows its a prank... anyway just at that Arthur and his Bro C got the guy over and introduced me to him I was like what !!! no !! Turns out it was Arthur and C's bro !!! they had played a prank on me!!! Soooooo Good !! hahahahah However just at that point !!!
yes you got it a guy came in !!!! hahahahah he sat right behind me !!! omgzzz
it was all very very wierd then another guy came down the stairs with paper and left...
lolzzzz so obv I had invited a few, but only like 5 turned up.. so I mailed them all to find out why on earth they hadnt turned up!! hahahahahah
It was strange... I may do it again... not nice I know, but gosh dont you just love people !!!!!
The rest of the night was amazing fun though :)