Monday, 5 November 2007


So my weekend, it was pretty strange but a good strange.. Friday was a mental day, you know that way I get all excited and then cry then be sick well… I cried L

My friend was coming back for a while, my other friend was leaving, my other friend had something to share and it just got toooo much for me and ended up crying my wee eyes out.. I think im gonna do a blog post of all my crying pictures, I take them every so often when I cry like a total dick !

Anyway, Saturday was much better I felt more calmer .. my mum came through and we went for lunch, then went to an exhibition in the lighthouse it was really good, we then went shopping… I was sooo tired but I had to go back to the East for a fancy dress party.. I was going as Amy Crackhouse, I had my syringe and everything.. had to get my dad to do my tattoos, never let a drunk father draw your tattoos… It was a really good night ,ended up waking myself up though by wanting to spew !! barf !! indeed !!

Hmmm so my mums washing machine was making a weird noise, so my dad took this apart… In it was a bra wire,tablets and £2.60 which was put on the lottery.. this got me and my mum thinking.. how much money is sucked away in a washing machine.. cause it was the bra wire that was stopping it going away..
Do you think men loose more than women? I mean really, who does empty their pockets before washing !!

So buses ,yeah! I got on the bus on Sunday there after returning from the East, on this bus was a man with a 20kg bag of long grain rice.. how odd I thought.. Anyway whilst passing the trongate I saw a boy coming out from peeing in the wee dookit bit.. what a little rankoid I thought and then he walks over to a fatty boom a latte stuffing her face with a mcdonalds.. (his mother) see where he gets it from then… So I get off the bus and goto the shop and who happens to be holding the door open for me!! Yup you got it it’s the wee peeing boy!! Hands unwashed !! fucking barf !! that’s why I have to wash my hands loads and loads and loads !! grot bags like that !!!

Talking of buses, why they always late a the smallest sign of rain !!!
I stood in the rain for like over 25mins, and I thought if im late im late big deal
But it was annoying,, so I eventually got to my work and I saw something that make me smile soooo much,,, Something sooo silly but it did.
It was 2 workies in there hyper glow tops pushing a car over the junction.. it made me lolzz anyway!!

Star jumps! Hmmm im not that impressed.