Saturday 26 April 2008

loser? much!

I think im normaly a very happy person and always try and be upbeat as best I can..(obv i aint all the time)

anyway, it seems whenever Im really really hungover or overtired I get soooo depressed... last night i was at my bro's gf's dads 50th bday I had a great time and we ended up at that new club in falkikr where our mate was Dj'n and it was great fun and I danced like all night...

however today i pay for it...redbull and vodka is the devils work.. I cant get a good sleep and i end up total blah... specially when the night before I was in a really bad state.. spewing in mcd's drive through, spewing for 2 hours in the smallest bog ever.. falling asleep on the floor.. spewing in my bed.. anyway you get the picture...

I just hate when im like this.. I want to cry and nothign cheers me up... not even txts from folk who make me smile...

i say it all the time, i should cut out the drink.. but i dont..

god i need to get a life.. there are folk with major probs.. and im just a lil hungover and overtired....

I just had to say :)

Thursday 24 April 2008

Brap brap !

I got my hair cut again !! omgzz soon there will be none !!

its just my fringe its a dif style and i got a lil of the back and top !! ohhh yeahhh!!!

I went out on my bike again, it was tres bonne !!

heheheh ive learnt a little french, soooo not much though :( rubbish.....

Salut !

Ca va ?

i can say im good or im ok or im not that good hahahahaha but im always saying im good !!

my neck hurts from my exercise.. i dont think im doing the sit ups right at all, but i think its working ... plus i spewed my load last night.thats kept a few pounds off hahahaha.. i was ill.. i didnt make myself sick !! honest hahahahahaha

you know there is this thing on top of my mums monitor its like what looks like a bit of thread.. on closer inspection (me trying to pull it out) it may be a beastie leg or something, so i just left it.. its rank and it makes me feel sick hahahahahahha..............

im bopping about to Justice ~The Phantom part ii soulwax remix, soooooo amazing !!!!

im also not wearing a bra

just fot id share that..

im happy :)

going to wait 2 hours tonight in the family planning clinic... riddled again ! ahahha i joke, just going for more of my pill coz i left mine in my flat :(

twat me !!

anyway yeah

to much info

Wednesday 23 April 2008

Come fuck up with me

Music .........................

where would I be without it.............

Im on holiday just now and Ive had a chance to check out some totally amazing music !! and no my brother didnt put me onto this !!

hmmmm you ever had a mirror sitting next to you, like to the left of you when you are on the computer? i do just now and i swear the reflection is looking at me when i dont look at it !!

omgzzz wierd !!


These songs are soooooo like OMGGZZZZ for me just now !!!

This song makes me smile and fall in love with the main dancer everytime i see it hahahaha.. its now my ringtune !! i love the dancing and a i love the look !!!!!!

And this song swooooooooooooon when the guys says SWEAT !! something so simple but omgzz just the way it makes you feel !! hahahah

This song coz omgzz its a gid song and hello check the hottie with the green light on !!

Sooooo nice to chill to .....

Omgzzz again when the guy speaks in this.. it makes me :) hehehehhehehehehe and eh its just like sooooo good !!!

Just a good chilled out track

Cozzzzz da beat be good !!!! gets ya moving.... feeeeeel it

Sunday 13 April 2008

I have an apple


Omgzzz oh hello you guys !!!

So whats new with me ? what have i been up to apart from the party? um yeah, ive been getting wrecked and having fun .. lolzzzaaaaa.... However !!! yesterday I went on a little day trip!!

I went away to Doune castle.. it was good!! all kewl wee cubby hole bits and secret passages !! i love it.. but of course I was dying to wash my hands after.. here are some pics !!

Now what else did I do yesterday ?
I went to an antiques place and craft fair... it was good.. First stop though was the gorgeous toliets !!!

What gorgeous accessories !! hahahahah

Here are some things we saw at the antiques place.. boak!!!

I hate those glass clowns!!! and the last thing well its a ring that is playing cards !! sooooo fucking tacky!!

After the antiques place we went to Dobbies Garden Centre!!! Now i have never saw a garden centre that has clothes in it !!! it was a pretty kewl garden centre like, they had loads and loads of stuff.. I left happy!!

I saw this though and was slightly disturbed!! Murder !! maybe it was because earlier in the week I kidnapped a gnome? hmmmmmm

Hmmmm who did it?

What else is new? My flat still a bit of a mess

My dads car is getting there.... sorta

Sooo thats about it ... oh im still like amazingly happy :) yeah x


Saturday 12 April 2008

The Party (part 3)

Didnt we get some lovely replies.. yes we did not..

So it was time to invite our guests to The Party...

Thank you for replying to my ad and thank you very much for the picture !!! I got an instant smile on my face and went a little red … heheheheheh..
I would definitely like for you to meet up for the party… Im planning on meeting everyone informally in a pub in town before we get straight to business on Friday
This is only so I can feel a bit more comfortable about who I bring home.
Are you available on Wednesday around 6.00 pm onwards ? we could meet in #### on ####### Street. Bring that days Metro paper for identity so I can pick you out from the crowd.

Obv The Party wasnt happening.. We just wanted to see who would turn up...
So that night Me,Marty,Harry met up with Arthur and C.. outside the pub and went down... Straight away we saw someone sitting their with a metro in hand, the words metro facing us!! I panicked,went to the bar got some drinks and sat down....

Arthur started saying he was gonna go over and ask the guy for his Metro and I was like omgzz nooo dont, just leave it, just sit and wait see who else comes in... anyway, he started to get a lil carried away and i started freaking.... Eventually he went and said do you want this paper, the guy got up and went to the bog...
He came back sat back down and then seemed a little agitated (cant spell) Got up and said to us. yes us !!! Do you want this paper! I was meant to meet some dicks at 6pm and they havent showed up!!

I paniked and was like omgzz this guy is gonna go mental if he knows its a prank... anyway just at that Arthur and his Bro C got the guy over and introduced me to him I was like what !!! no !! Turns out it was Arthur and C's bro !!! they had played a prank on me!!! Soooooo Good !! hahahahah However just at that point !!!

yes you got it a guy came in !!!! hahahahah he sat right behind me !!! omgzzz

it was all very very wierd then another guy came down the stairs with paper and left...

lolzzzz so obv I had invited a few, but only like 5 turned up.. so I mailed them all to find out why on earth they hadnt turned up!! hahahahahah

It was strange... I may do it again... not nice I know, but gosh dont you just love people !!!!!

The rest of the night was amazing fun though :)

The Party (part 2)

Sooo yes the bukaki party !! fun fun fun !! (yes i know we are wierd)

*Please note that this blog is gonna contain naughty words and a rude picture..

We got a few replies... um around 60 alot sent pictures asked questions and some well they were just plain wierd..wanting relationships.. eh hello! I want cum on my face not a wedding ring !!

Anyway, I thought Id show you wat we were dealing with...

The Replies

1: This guy yeah, well he tells me about going down and all that shit in great detail
then to tell me what cunnilingus means.. eh hello !! IM A GURL u cock monkey.
Anyway, He said such things as this and we all lolz'd at him:
"sample the goods and go on to the practical"

The guy also enclosed a pic.. i thought i was looking at a thimble !!

2: Ummm aye...this guy maybe didnt know what bukaki meant..he kinda sounded like he wanted a gf?

"I'm tall, fit, good looking, slim and have my own car which I have been driving for 3 years a small yaris. I love to play some sports like badminton, football, basketball, swimming as well as other sports. I like clubbing, nights in or out, cinema, pubs, eating out, music, bowling, meeting new people and would love to travel the world if I met the right person. I have a very open mind to try anything once for example: What different cultures eat, sports and what they do for fun. I look forward to meeting u. I love to have a laugh and lots of fun I'm also a kind, caring person to be with and I would do anything to make you happy. The most important thing about me is that I will treat you the right way. I also have a full time job.

3: Now we are talking !!!

"can i roll in the snake in the seethin hot swamp ! "

4: Um ? Errrr ??

"Im a hard working male looking for something different and worthwhile. Ive just come out of a 3 and a half year relationship with someone i grew to hate lol, i know thats harsh but sometimes telling the truth is better than bottling it inside. Im fun, good conversationist, reliable, ive also been told i look like Terri Henri and Simon from Blue, not to blow my own trumpit,lol i just find it hard to describe myself. Im currently working as a financial advisor or mortgage broker, which ever suits you better. Im not looking for a full on relationship with anyone, unless we click then it becomes uncontrolable. I like good music, nice dinner, possibly a movie, as ive not been out for a while due to work and im not asking for anyone to pay me way, lol.. im quite capable of doing that myself, beside there are still gentlemen in this world weather you believe it or not lol.... ive ran out of things to say and i hope its not too wordy or boring, look forward to hearing from you"

yeah sooo I think that is enough.. there were alot of wierd replies like from guys who wanted relationships n shit like that..fucked up? (so am i obv)

Anyway.. sooo like I said I got pics and even one vid hahahahah.. but I just have to show you this pic.. soooo funny!

In his own words he is " heavy cummer and all round 'team' player ;)"

was it time for the invites?

The Party

Now if you think im gonna talk about that amazing film The party staring Peter Sellers well um stop reading now !

The Party Im talking about well its a Bukaki Party...

Anyway, a lil bit of info first before we go any further.. I love people, I find them very very intresting... I also love gumtree... its the source of all fun,pervs and evil.... hahahahah love it... anyway, peoples minds just well they are soooo intresting..

*Please note all names have been changed.

The Idea

Well, the idea came about from Morris, he had mentioned that his mate had invited to him to one but he wasnt going to go... all very lol and wierd but kewl.

Anyway we were sitting at work bored one day so Me,Marty,Harry,Arthur and Jasper decided to put a lil add on gumtree..

The Add

Bukake party

Date: Friday 11th April
Location : you will be advised if chosen

You will be judged on pictures you send….

Shoot, thrill, spill!