Friday, 9 March 2007

square sandwiches

I dont really have much to talk about today however a few things...

Glasgow bus drivers are great.. today this one stopped for me when he was far away from the bus stop.. So thank you ;)

Also I want to know what this is all about.. On several occassions I have been in sporto and if you look across the road above Crumbs there are models,2 guys and 1 gurl, they walk around and around and then up and down.. why is this?? is this model school???

im a lil dizzy also ... why is that?


Allan said...

are you dizzy from spying.. sorry watching, models walk round and round?

Anonymous said...

did they have nice buns?

Donna's Kebab said...

the guys?

one of them looked like prince william the other ok he had sorta long hair..

the gurl blah, she was alright.. nothing fantastic like but you wouldnt kick any of them out..