Wednesday, 17 October 2007


In all the excitement of my hangover yesterday I forgot that it has been a year since I had stopped smoking!! A whole year My! My! My!, this makes me ever so excited and happy… It started off at first as I really need to do this, its rank.. then getting told yeah it is actually rank… (obv I new this already but !) yeah so i stopped and it was gid ....

im still confussed about this whole bus situation. you know the one, its where they are sitting down next to you or someone else and then 5miles before their stop they say(in a little whisper) "Excuse me please" so you let them up.. whats the deal with this??? why???

maybe i will ask one day


Anonymous said...

A year, well done!

Although if the government was going to treat you like they reward heroin addicts that have stayed clean, they'd probably have sent you a case of cuban cigars to help you celebrate....

Not only do people get up far too early, but getting off the bus should be age weighted - the only thing an old lady's going to achieve by getting up really early is make me 30 seconds more late than I already am as I patiently wait for them to stumble off the damn thing. They should have a separate exit or something. Or maybe just ban them from busses. They don't pay f- all for it anyway.

Donna's Kebab said...

I think old folk should get their own bus if the mongs can get one why cant they?

I just dont understand why they have to get up and go into town when I do?

yeah they pay fuck all and get a ticket by flashing their card ! I dont get a ticket and i show my monthly !!!

maybe i will just kill all the old people? they stink of piss anyway !!

So a year of non smoking, yes I am very happy...

Thank you :)