Thursday, 14 August 2008

Where have you been?

Now it has been a long time !!

What has happened recently ?? hmmm let me see

Ive painted and glossed my little <3 out and gosh its been worth it !!!
Ive made an arse of myself on several occasions!! one that has knocked me a bit :(
Ive been to NYC !! yes NYC !! me, i got on a plane and went on a holiday !!! omfgzz !!
Ive just been given a chance at an evening class coz someone was so sweet..

Hmmmmm what else !! my flat is a mess coz i fail to do anything for myself these days coz im to lazy...

so thats all.. Today Im extremly happy !! like sooo happy coz i just found out about getting on that course :)

yeah !!


Anonymous said...

WTF is this?! Who is this Donna?

Allan said...

Congratulations getting on the course!!

I hope you're going to blog about some of those arse making occasions!? You didn't get mistaken for a shoe bomber on the way to NY I hope?