Sunday 23 September 2007


Standing at the bus stop this morning I felt like the bottle opener amongst a jakes carry out.. I was the only girl with 6 weird mate men..

One of them gets the bus guite a lot, he is an alky,, he always wears the same clothes and they are always dirty.. he has the large red nose, smoke stained hair and that classic bugsy man smell, he reaks! I have to hold my breath as I walk past him on the bus….

The other men were just strange…..

Whilst on this bus a woman and her mother got on and the first thing the daughter said was “ Would it hurt to crack a smile” I laughed at this cause she was talking about the bus driver and it was true…However it did get me thinking sometimes well a lot of the time I don’t reall look like im happy.. I don’t have that “Gies a smile” syndrome where I cant smile.Its just the way my mouth is BUT im always really happy.. so I decided maybe I should make myself smile ! Albeit I will look like a complete fanny but people will see im happy and smiles are catching (so they say)…

I got the night bus on Friday (I say night bus but it was only like 12ish) and this wee old man got on and I said to him “Do you want this seat” and he was like no hen, I like standing.. I also like dancing and walking… (what is this blind date?) So Mr Contestant No:1 Starts to laugh… OMG!!! Did you just hear that??? He laughs like a hyena, a budgie some were saying… it was sooo funny, it got everyone on the bus laughing… and he is like hhahahaha people always say that about my laugh ahahahhaa… it was nice to see that he joined in the fun.. He was a nice wee old man.

So that was it really.. ahh yes its been a while since I talked about the buses… Tomorrow I will tell you all the story of the South meets the North £1 battle !!!

My trainers smell


byeeee spoon lovers